A good leather couch is more than an investment in time and money - it's an investment in your personal style. A high-quality leather couch can be the focal point of a room and when your leather couch gets scratched, it seems that everyone takes notice.
It's important to learn how to protect your leather couch from scratches and restore leather when scratches happen.

Location of Your Couch
The location of your couch can make a huge difference in how long the leather lasts and what kind of maintenance is required to restore leather. Keeping your couch out of the way of children and pets is the smartest and easiest way to prevent undue damage or scratches to the couch. However, this simple and straightforward method also has its drawbacks: for one, it’s harder for visitors to enjoy a couch that is hidden away or sitting somewhere most arrivals cannot easily see.

In addition, the same children that might damage your excellent leather couch will never get to enjoy its lustrous feel or aged surface. Additionally, keeping kids and pets off of furniture is easier said than done.
Leather Conditioner to Help Prevent Scratching
Another way to help prevent scratch damage to your old or antique leather couch is with Leather Honey. Leather conditioner is a substance applied to help keep leather supple, springy and healthy long after it might naturally succumb to the elements. It also makes leather restoration easier. Keeping leather healthy also allows it to retain its natural shape and resist injury or damage inflicted on it by mishandling. Leather conditioner can also be applied to help keep leather from cracking , which occurs when the leather becomes overly dry. This prolongs the life of the leather greatly and will give you more use out of the couch.
Reduce Leather Couch Scratches After the Fact
You can always attempt to repair or reduce your scratched leather couch after it has been damaged. However, this is not always successful and prevention is always a better option. If your leather couch looks too far gone, you can always consult a professional to have it examined and reworked to minimize damage and restore it to its original glory.

Most leather-working professionals will be able to take one look at a damaged leather couch and tell you whether the leather can be restored fully or whether it is a total loss.
Save Time and Money with Leather Honey
This can save you time and money, However, we highly recommend trying Leather Honey first – we hear from customers every single day who tell us that our product saved them from having to purchase a new piece of furniture or investing in professional leather restoration services.
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